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We provide health and beauty tips to help you improve your appearance, become more confident and beautiful. Featuring expert advice on makeup, skin care, nails, hair care and more!

Eye Care

Eye Care

"Oh, something is wrong with my eye!" We have all said this at some time. How uncomfortable it can be! Fortunately, many common eye (ocular) disorders disappear without treatment or can be managed by self-treating. Various products  ...Continue reading

What types of OTC eye-care products are there?

There are seven types of OTC eye-care products available. Each product contains one or more active and inactive ingredients....Continue reading

What common eye conditions usually require treatment by a doctor?

Trauma: Blunt trauma to the eye requires immediate evaluation by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Trauma to the eye can activate bleeding into the eye from ruptured blood vessels or cause detachment of the retina. Both situations can seriously im ...Continue reading

Life Style and Eyes 

Keep in mind that an athlete may still require protection against injuries during contact sports, no matter which type of vision correction he chooses. If there is any risk of being hit by a fast-moving ball or other object (as in racquetball, squash, hockey, etc.),...continue read...

Vitamins & Herbs For Healthy Eyes

Eyebright Solution:
  • 2 tablespoons eyebright herb (Euphrasia)
  • 2 cups of hot water
  • 2 cotton balls
  • Steep the herb in water for 3 minutes or until cooled. Strain. Dip a cotton ball into the liquid and wipe eyes. Reduces redness...Continue reading