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Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 2, 2011

Take care of your body.

In the past I thought that taking care of my body wasn't important because the spiritual side of myself was the one that I have to focus. I have realized that it is important because if I don't take care of it , I won't live a healthy life.
I have learned to honor, respect , be grateful with my body. Our bodies teaches us what we need, what to eat and when to eat. When to sleep and what kind of exercise we are more comfortable with. And it also teaches us through discomfort that something is wrong with us.
3 ways to take care of your body:
  • By listening to your body. Are you hungry?. Eat. If you are not hungry do not eat. Your body will help you also to choose healthy foods and the right foods for you.

    Drink a lot of water; this will help you to be hydrated. What are healthy foods? Grains, vegetables, fruits, whole wheat, milk, meat, fish, nuts. A good balance of foods is important.
  • Taking care of your body by sleeping well. Do you need to sleep?. Just do it. Listen to your body when is telling you to go to bed because it needs to sleep. How many hours do you sleep?. Listen to the messages. Do you sleep too much or too little. To sleep too much or too little might be a sing of depression. Are you depress?. The right amount of hours of sleep depends on the age , generally speaking for most adults. 7 to 8 hours is fine.
  • By exercising every day: our bodies need movement. It doesn't matter the type of exercise you do, lift weights, run, yoga, or walk. According to the experts some of the benefits of exercising are:
    1. Exercise Improves cardiovascular system.
    2. Exercising helps to lose weigh and improves the circulatory system.
    3. Exercising Increases energy and helps people feel better about themselves.
    4. Exercise tone the muscles and give flexibility.
    After exercising we always feel really good about ourselves.
Taking a shower is another way, your body needs it specially after a long day of work. Do your hair, nails, and skin or give yourself a massage. Eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water. Have a general check up with your doctor once a year. By learning to care about your body it will help you to have a good self esteem because you will feel energized and comfortable within. The three words are honor, listen, respect. Allow yourself to live a healthy and fulfilling life by eating, sleeping and exercising right.
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